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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about far more than recycling and switching off lights; it’s about acting on our responsibilities to society and the environment. We owe this to our clients, because they count on us to be a reliable and responsible partner. We also owe it to society, because we realise that we benefit from society and have been giving many privileges and opportunities. And we owe it to ourselves, because we are not just professionals, but also members of society; we want our work to be rewarding in all aspects, not just professionally. In the end we spend our time and efforts on CSR because it is the right thing to do.

In our CSR report 2022, you will find an overview on our focus areas and most recent initiatives.

Operating responsibly: A trusted partner

Operating responsibly means being trusted to our clients to deliver accurate, neutral and confidential tax and legal advice. It also means being respected as a corporate citizen in society and choosing our suppliers wisely.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Supporting communities: Being a good neighbour

Evidence shows that business thrive when neighbourhoods thrive. This is why investing in our communities is not only about being a good neighbour, it’s about safeguarding a future pipeline of talented people, and creating resilient local supply chains and new client opportunities. We have chosen to focus our efforts on youth and education.

Caring for our people: Shaping positive futures

As a professional services firm, our employees are the greatest assets we have. We rely on talented individuals who offer a diversity of perspectives and we have a responsibility to shape a positive future for them, from induction to retirement.

Protecting the environment: Towards a cleaner future

We see the potential in a cleaner, greener economy. By becoming an efficient, smart business we will save time, money and energy while also realising new client opportunities in environmental law and alternative energy.