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Legal Speed Date Event 2023

Brussels 28 September 2023

Loyens & Loeff is organising a Legal Speed Date Event for Master’s in Law and LL.M students!

We are excited to announce the first edition of our Legal Speed Date event, organised for Master’s in Law and LL.M students seeking to kickstart their legal careers.

This unique recruitment event gives you the opportunity to connect and have short conversations with the associates/partners from various practice groups and to learn more about our law firm’s culture, practices, and potential career opportunities.

Are you the one we are looking for?

  • You are an ambitious Master’s in Belgian Law or LL.M student with an excellent academic record so far;
  • You’re considering future career opportunities as a Junior Associate or summer intern in our firm;
  • You have a genuine interest in one of our practices; Corporate/M&A, Tax International & Transfer Pricing, Real estate, Employment & Benefits, Financial Markets & Products, Litigation & Risk Management, IT & Data Protection and/or Energy & Infrastructure.

Mark your calendars!

  • Date Thursday 28 September 2023
  • Time From 14h00 to 17h30
  • Location Loyens & Loeff, Tervurenlaan 2, 1040 Brussels

This is an excellent opportunity to make meaningful connections, showcase your skills, and take the first step towards a successful legal career.

How to apply?

Right here!

Please apply via the career site only.

Make sure to include your CV and to mention or upload your academic grades

Please note that places are limited, so register today! We will process the applications in the upcoming weeks.

Application deadline: 15 September 2023