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Diversity & Inclusion

We are an equal opportunity employer. We rely on our people for the quality of the services that we provide. That’s why we create an open environment where people can be themselves and reach their full potential. For us, ambition is more important than background; we have no judgment about who you are or where you came from; we only want to know where you’re headed.

Chambers D&I Charter

We are pleased to announce that Loyens & Loeff has signed the “Chambers D&I Charter”. By signing this Charter we are making a public pledge to address the root causes of inequality in the workplace by committing to the following D&I principles:

  • We believe in a diverse and inclusive legal profession
  • We have or will establish a D&I strategy to build a diverse and inclusive workplace culture
  • We will implement our D&I policies across our teams and our wider ecosystem
  • We aim to attract, recruit and promote diverse talent and set appropriate targets as required
  • We will annually review our D&I strategy and policies
  • We will appoint an executive leader as a charter champion
Chambers D&I Charter

Com­mit­tee on Di­ver­si­ty & In­clu­sion

Diversity and inclusion are not just about words, but rather about actions. Our Committee on Diversity & Inclusion (established in 2008) sets specific targets and organises activities each year to promote diversity and inclusion within Loyens & Loeff. Since the start we have signed the Talent to the Top charter, a unique partnership between the government, the private sector and senior businesswomen and have embraced the declaration of intent for ‘Diversity in the legal profession’.

We are very proud of the partnerships that we have with organisations such as the ECHO foundation and the Forward foundation who use their expertise to help make Loyens & Loeff the inclusive firm we want to be. A firm where everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or cultural background, will feel at home and has the equal opportunity to reach their personal goals.

For­ward Foun­da­tion

Loyens & Loeff is delighted to have teamed up with Stichting (Foundation) Forward. Stichting Forward’s mission is to encourage the acceptance, validation and visibility of the LGBTQ community within the Dutch legal profession. Stichting Forward aims to create a platform for the exchange of experiences and best practices in order to promote an inclusive environment for all legal professionals, regardless of sexual orientation or identity.

Forward Foundation

ECHO Foun­da­tion

ECHO (Expertise Centre on Diversity Policy) collaborates with partners in (higher) education, the public sector and the corporate sector to strengthen diversity and inclusion within their constituent organisations. ECHO uses its experience, expertise and network to help organisations develop and implement effective and sustainable policies in these areas. It has launched a number of initiatives, such as the annual ECHO Award, the ECHO Mentoring Programme and the UCLA Study Trip.

ECHO Foundation

LDIA (Legal Diversity & Inclusion Alliance)

Loyens & Loeff is pleased to be one of the founding members of the Legal Diversity & Inclusion Alliance (LDIA), a collective effort by several law firms in Belgium. By joining LDIA, member firms affirm their commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive work environment, exchange good practices on diversity and inclusion, and raise awareness of non-discrimination and diversity issues by combining efforts in organising events, workshops, and training, among others.

Our LDIA membership is a further demonstration of the firm’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. As the legal industry in Belgium deepens its focus on matters related to diversity and inclusion, Loyens & Loeff is delighted to be among the firms leading this effort.