We provide you our privacy and legal information concerning this website. In the different sections we show you how to contact us if you have any questions.
In our disclaimer we state that the data this website contains are exclusively included as general information. No rights whatsoever can be derived from these data.
DisclaimerLegal information
Here you can read our professional liability insurance and contact details for who to contact if you have any questions or complaints.
Legal informationPrivacy Statement
In our privacy statement you can read what kind of data we store, how we use it, your rights and how to invoke them.
Privacy StatementSupplier Code
In our Suplier Code of Conduct we state that we conduct our business operations responsibly and ethically. We expect our suppliers to work on their corporate social responsibility.
Supplier CodeApplication CoC
In our Application Code of Conduct we state that we conduct our selection procedures responsibly, ethically and that we respect your privacy.
Application CoCCookie Settings
Here you can review and change your cookie settings. We also provide all information about the cookies we use on this website.
Cookie Settings